Club Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every Month at 7:00 PM
1724 Highway 287 North, Mansfield, TX 76063
Click Here for Map to Meeting Location
Participation in club meetings are encouraged for all members, family and visitors.
The meetings are presided over by club officers in an orderly and cooperative manner to facilitate members input.
This is the time to help guide our club's future and vote on current issues.
You are encouraged to bring your latest project for Show and Tell.
1724 Highway 287 North, Mansfield, TX 76063
Click Here for Map to Meeting Location
Participation in club meetings are encouraged for all members, family and visitors.
The meetings are presided over by club officers in an orderly and cooperative manner to facilitate members input.
This is the time to help guide our club's future and vote on current issues.
You are encouraged to bring your latest project for Show and Tell.